Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Red Light, Green Light

Did you ever play the game "Red Light, Green Light" when you were a kid?  Basically, a bunch of kids line up, and one person is the referee.  When the referee shouts out "Green Light", you run as fast as you can toward the finish line, and when they shout out "Red Light", you have to stop immediately.  They keep calling out either red or green, with you either running or stopping, until someone crosses the finish line.  I feel like I have been playing that game lately, and I really don't like it!

One of the most frustrating things about having diabetes is the way it messes with my feet.  The disease causes poor circulation to your extremities, and reduced blood flow causes all kinds of problems. One big problem is that cuts and blisters can take forever to heal, and if they get infected, you could end up losing your foot.  Serious stuff!

One of my goals on the way to Fitness-Gonna-Be is to be more active every day.  Green light!  One of the problems with being active every day is that it is very hard on my feet.  Red Light!

I spent a lot of time walking and running around over the long weekend (Green Light!), and ended up with a bruised sore place on the bottom on my left foot (Red Light!).   Now I have to take it easy and stay off my feet as much as possible for as long as it takes for the foot to heal.  It could be a day or two, a week, or more.

This extended Red Light has left me frustrated, but determined to find a way to stay active even with this limitation.  Granted, FIT class is out until the foot is healed, as is running, walking, etc, but I will search out ways to move that don't involve being on my feet so much.  I will develop a set of circuits that I can do in my basement.  I will alternate pushups and situps until I beg myself for mercy.  I will stand in one place and punch/kick my heavy bag until my arms and legs are like jello.  I will find a way to be active. 

Basically, I will stick my tongue out at that Red Light, and go on to create my own Green Light!

The Fitness-Wanna-Be

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